Dataforth MAQ20-BKPL4

Modulaarinen mittausjärjestelmä

Dataforth MAQ20-BKPL4
DIN Rail Backbone; 1 COM Module plus 4 I/O Modules
180,00 €
MAQ20-BKPL4 Modulaarinen mittausjärjestelmä
Dataforth MAQ20-BKPL4 DIN Rail Backbone; 1 COM Module plus 4 I/O Modules
180,00 €
(Koko: 6.2 MB)
The MAQ20 system backbone resides within the DIN rail used for module mounting and provides power to and interface between the communications module and the I/O modules. Standard backbones provide for one communication module and 4, 8, 16, or 24 I/O modules. The longest backbone, which accommodates 24 I/O modules, fits in an industry standard 19" rack. Each backbone utilizes a pluggable connector system on each end such that varying system channel counts can be configured using the standard backbones. As a result of this pluggable system, the main part of a system, including the communications module, can be installed in one location while other sets of I/O modules installed in remote locations connect to the main system through a wire harness.
Tuotteen tyyppi Modulaarinen mittausjärjestelmä
Valmistaja Dataforth
Tuotekoodi MAQ20-BKPL4
Paino (kg) 0.2

Käyttöjännite, alin DC (V) 7
Käyttöjännite, ylin DC (V) 34
Protokolla Modbus/TCP

Min. käyttölämpötila (°C) -40
Maks. käyttölämpötila (°C) 85

Asennustapa Din-kiskoon
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