Vibration Sensors

Accelerometers, Vibration Sensors

Sensors are often required for small size and light weight, wide range of measurements, or precision in long-term measurements. Right sensor types ensure efficient and safe function of rotating machines and devices. We offer wide range of accelerometers for R&D measurements and special applications and vibration sensors for condition monitoring and protection systems. Typical vibration monitoring applications are found with gas turbines, fans and piston engines.

  • Sensor types available are: IEPE and ICP type accelerometers and vibration speed sensors. 4-20mA output sensors for measuring total vibration RMS-level. Eddy Current type displacement sensors for measuring axle vibration. Charge type sensors for high temperatures. 1- and 3-axial accelerometers. Seismic sensors for low frequency measurement. MEMS sensors from DC level. ATEX/Ex approved acceleration and speed sensors for potentially explosive hazardous areas. Sensors for special temperatures and measurement conditions.
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