Netvox R718N363

Wireless Transmitter

Netvox R718N363
NetvoxWireless 3-Phase Current Meter with 3 x 630A Clamp-On CT (powered by 2 x ER14505 3.6V Lithium AA battery) (minimum order 5 pcs)
283,00 €
R718N363 Wireless Transmitter
Netvox R718N363 NetvoxWireless 3-Phase Current Meter with 3 x 630A Clamp-On CT (powered by 2 x ER14505 3.6V Lithium AA battery) (minimum order 5 pcs)
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The NETVOX wireless three-phase current detector is used to detect threephase electrical input current. The device is a battery and receives AC current through a current transformer.
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Product Details
Product type Wireless Transmitter
Manufacturer Netvox
SKU R718N363
Weight (kg) 0.5

Measurement Current
Analog input type Current
Wireless Technology LoRaWan
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