Lascar Electronics EL-USB-RT

Temperature & Humidity Datalogger

Lascar Electronics EL-USB-RT
Temperature & Relative Humidity Dedicated Real-Tim e Software with USB interface
EL-USB-RT Temperature & Humidity Datalogger
Lascar Electronics
Lascar Electronics EL-USB-RT Temperature & Relative Humidity Dedicated Real-Tim e Software with USB interface
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When plugged into a PC’s USB port, this sensor measures ambient temperature and relative humidity. EasyLog RT software allows the PC to display this information and the calculated dew point in real-time and save it to a file which can store up to 7 days’ worth of data for graphing, printing and exporting to other applications.

Measurement range -10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F) Accuracy (overall error) ±1.5°C (±3°F)
Measurement range 0 to 100% RH Accuracy (overall error) ±4.5% RH
Logging rate 1 second
Operating temperature -10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F)
Battery Not required.
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Product Details
Product type Temperature & Humidity Datalogger
Manufacturer Lascar Electronics
Weight (kg) 0.2

Measurement Humidity, Temperature
Battery operated Yes

Min. operating temperature (°C) -20
Max. operating temperature (°C) 70
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