Lascar Electronics EL-USB-2-LCD

Temperature & Humidity Datalogger

Lascar Electronics EL-USB-2-LCD
Temperature & Relative Humidity USB Data Logger with LCD
114,00 €
EL-USB-2-LCD Temperature & Humidity Datalogger
Lascar Electronics
Lascar Electronics EL-USB-2-LCD Temperature & Relative Humidity USB Data Logger with LCD
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This standalone data logger measures over 16,000 readings over a -35 to +80°C (-31 to +176°­­F) and 0 to 100% humidity (RH) range.

At the touch of a button, use the on-board display to cycle between the current, minimum and maximum temperature logs seen during the session for both temperature and humidity. Easily set up the logger and view downloaded data by plugging the unit into a PC’s USB port and using the free EasyLog software provided. Data can then be graphed, printed and exported to other applications for detailed analysis.

Supplied with ½ AA battery and wall mount clip.

Measurement range -35°C to 80°C (-31°F to 176°F)
Internal resolution 0.5°C (1°F)
Accuracy (overall error) 0.55°C (1.04°F) typical (5 to 60°C).

Relative Humidity:
Measurement range 0 to 100%RH
Internal resolution 0.5%RH
Accuracy (overall error) 2.25%RH typical (20 to 80%RH).
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Product Details
Product type Temperature & Humidity Datalogger
Manufacturer Lascar Electronics
Weight (kg) 0.2

Measurement Humidity, Temperature
Battery operated Yes

Min. operating temperature (°C) -35
Max. operating temperature (°C) 80
IP-class 67
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