Lascar Electronics EL-GFX-DTC

Temperature Datalogger

Lascar Electronics EL-GFX-DTC
Dual Channel Thermocouple Data Logger with Graphic LCD & alarm functions
204,00 €
EL-GFX-DTC Temperature Datalogger
Lascar Electronics
Lascar Electronics EL-GFX-DTC Dual Channel Thermocouple Data Logger with Graphic LCD & alarm functions
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This USB data logger records over 250,000 temperature readings per channel in one or more sessions for up to 4 months. It has user-programmable audible alarm thresholds with highly visible confidence/alarm LEDs. It is compatible with K, J and T-type thermocouples. Inside the rugged case, buttons for start, stop and restart and a graphic LCD with on-screen menus provide real-time analysis of data as a summary or as a graph. EL-WIN-USB enables quick configuration and data download via the USB port. Supplied with batteries, two K-type thermocouples and a magnetic wall mount the EL-GFX-DTC is a popular part.

Measurement range with K-type probes supplied 0 to 200°C (32 to 392°F)
K-type probe measurement range -200 to 1350°C (-328 to 2462°F)
J-type probe measurement range -200 to 1190°C (-328 to 2174°F)
T-type probe measurement range -200 to 390°C (-328 to 734°F)
Accuracy ±1°C / ±2°F (data logger only - thermocouple error not included)
Operating temperature -10 to 40°C (14 to 104°F).
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Product Details
Product type Temperature Datalogger
Manufacturer Lascar Electronics
Weight (kg) 0.2

Measurement Temperature
Analog input type Current
Battery operated Yes

Min. operating temperature (°C) -10
Max. operating temperature (°C) 40
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