Advantech EKI-2725-CE

Industrial Un-Managed Ethernet Switch

Advantech EKI-2725-CE
5-port Ind. Unmanaged GbE Switch
155,00 €
EKI-2725-CE Industrial Un-Managed Ethernet Switch
Advantech EKI-2725-CE 5-port Ind. Unmanaged GbE Switch
Central stock qty: 163
Coming to central stock 50 pcs on 25.04.2025
50 pcs on 28.04.2025
Delivery time 1-2 weeks
The EKI-2725 (5 port) / EKI-2728 (8 port) supports Gigabit Ethernet. The power is a 12 ~ 48 VDC redundant input design, and is secured with a double protection mechanism: Power Polarity Reverse Protect and an Overload Current Resetable Fuse. The former tolerates reverse power wiring while the later secures the system from overload currents. As the power supply turns normal, EKI-2725/2728 will automatically get back to normal operation state.
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Product Details
Product type Industrial Un-Managed Ethernet Switch
Manufacturer Advantech
Product series EKI
Weight (kg) 0.65

Manageable No
Speed (Mbps) 1000
Lowest operating voltage, DC (V) 12
Highest operating voltage, DC (V) 48

Number of LAN ports (pcs) 5

Min. operating temperature (°C) -10
Max. operating temperature (°C) 60
IP-class 30
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