RDP Electronics DCTH300AG

LVDT Displacement Sensor

RDP Electronics DCTH300AG
Displacement txdr, captive-guided dc/dc model DCTH3000C, ±75mm (±3"), 0.5% lin.
572,00 €
DCTH300AG LVDT Displacement Sensor
RDP Electronics
RDP Electronics DCTH300AG Displacement txdr, captive-guided dc/dc model DCTH3000C, ±75mm (±3"), 0.5% lin.
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These transducers are for displacement / position measurement. They make an accurate position measurement of the movement of the armature (the sliding part) relative to the body of the displacement transducer. This transducer uses the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) principle which means that it is probably the most robust and reliable position sensor type available. The strength of the LVDT sensor's principle is that there is no electrical contact across the transducer position sensing element which for the user of the sensor means clean data, infinite resolution and a very long life.
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Product Details
Product type LVDT Displacement Sensor
Manufacturer RDP Electronics
Weight (kg) 1

Measurement Displacement
Transducer type LVDT
Max displacement (mm) 15
Analog output type 4-20mA, Voltage

Connector type Integral cable

Min. operating temperature (°C) -10
Max. operating temperature (°C) 70
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