Advantech ADAM-4069-B

Modbus RTU I/O Module

Advantech ADAM-4069-B
8-Ch Power Relay Output Module w/ Modbus
201,00 €
ADAM-4069-B Modbus RTU I/O Module
Advantech ADAM-4069-B 8-Ch Power Relay Output Module w/ Modbus
Central stock qty: 38
Coming to central stock 27 pcs on 05.06.2025
Delivery time 1-2 weeks
ADAM-4069 is designed for on/off control in high-voltage applications. The major feature of ADAM-4069 is its power relay rating at 240 V AC and 5 A. This range can satisfy most requirements for driving externally controlled devices such as lights, fans, alarm systems, and various electronic devices in industrial automation, security, building and home automation applications. ADAM-4069 also supports the Modbus/RTU protocol and ADAM ASCII commands. Besides, it provides four form A channels and four form C channels.
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Product Details
Product type Modbus RTU I/O Module
Manufacturer Advantech
Product series ADAM
Weight (kg) 0.25

Analog outputs (pcs) 8
Lowest operating voltage, DC (V) 10
Highest operating voltage, DC (V) 30
Protocol Ascii, Modbus RTU

Min. operating temperature (°C) -10
Max. operating temperature (°C) 70

Installation type Din-rail, Wall mount
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