Advantech ADAM-4018+-F

Modbus AI Module

Advantech ADAM-4018+-F
8-Ch Thermocouple Input Module w/ Modbus
313,00 €
ADAM-4018+-F Modbus AI Module
Advantech ADAM-4018+-F 8-Ch Thermocouple Input Module w/ Modbus
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Analog input modules provide various sources of input, such as thermocouple, RTD, thermistor or general analog signals. These modules use EIA RS-485 communication protocol – the widely used bi-directional, balanced transmission line standard in the industry. ADAM-4000 supports Modbus / RTU protocol as a remote data transmission mechanism as well.
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Product Details
Product type Modbus AI Module
Manufacturer Advantech
Product series ADAM
SKU ADAM-4018+-F
Weight (kg) 0.23

Analog input type Thermocouple
Input speed (S/s) 10
Analog inputs (pcs) 8
Resolution (bit) 16
Galvanic isolation (V) 3000
Lowest operating voltage, DC (V) 10
Highest operating voltage, DC (V) 30
Protocol Ascii, Modbus RTU

Min. operating temperature (°C) -10
Max. operating temperature (°C) 70

Installation type Din-rail, Wall mount
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