G&D A2100118

KVM Switch

G&D A2100118
1 711,00 €
A2100118 KVM Switch
G&D A2100118 TradeSwitch8-USB
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TradeSwitch8 KVM switches can be used to control eight different computers and systems with a single mouse and keyboard. Switching between systems is easy, either by moving the mouse over the edge of the screen to another screen or by using keyboard shortcuts. Optional LED indicators tell the user which display and system he is operating at.

The TradeSwitch KVM system is really easy and fast to implement. Computers are configured in TradeSwitch based on their screen resolutions, allowing the position of the mouse to be determined on the screens with pixel resolution. TradeSwitch can also be used to set the mouse speed, making the user experience completely equivalent to controlling a single system.
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Product Details
Product type KVM Switch
Manufacturer G&D
SKU A2100118
Weight (kg) 2.5
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